
איקון 9
This study quantitatively compared authoritarianism and gender roles of 51 Israeli football players, 50 basketball players, 41 non-athletes and their wives (mean age = 27 years). As hypothesized, we found significant positive intercorrelations among RWA, anti-feminist attitudes, masculine traits, and interest in male-typical occupational and hobby preferences among men. Football players were more authoritarian, anti-feminist, religious, supportive of the political right, masculine, and interested in male-typical occupations and hobbies. The greatest authoritarianism, feminism, political right attitudes, and religiosity differences were found between the football players and their wives, and the football players’ wives were significantly more authoritarian, anti-feminist, and politically rightist, than both the wives of the basketball players and those of the non-athletes. Football is discussed as a politically right wing subculture that perpetuates traditional gender roles.
עברית | 404 צפיות | פורסם ע"י פרופ' גידי רובינשטיין | הוסף למועדפים
איקון 9
יודעים מי היתה קיטי ג'נבוזה? בשל גורלה המר נטבע המונח by stander effect.
עברית | 465 צפיות | הוסף למועדפים
איקון 9
Like eminent social psychologist Professor Philip Zimbardo, I'm also obsessed with why we do dumb or irrational things. The answer quite often is because of other people - something social psychologists have comprehensively shown. Over the past few months I've been describing 10 of the most influential social psychology studies. Each one tells a unique, insightful story relevant to all our lives, every day.
אנגלית | 386 צפיות | הוסף למועדפים
איקון 9
בלוג העוסק בייעוץ ארגוני, במושגים מעולם הפסיכולוגיה ובעבודה חינוכית בבתי ספר. הבלוג מתמקד במגוון של סוגיות המערבות פרקטיקה ותיאוריה, תוך נסיון לשלב בינהן.הבלוג נועד לאנשים המתעניינים בעולם הארגונים, בניהול, ייעוץ וחינוך ומה שבינהם.
עברית | 537 צפיות | הוסף למועדפים