תקציר תזה :קצב עיבוד מידע בתהליכי קריאה כגורם איכות בין ילדים דיסלקטים וילדים היפראקטיביים אימפולסיב
תהליכים פונולוגיים ,אורטוגרפיים,שילוב אופנויות(חזותי-שמיעתי) ונערכה מניפולציה.
המניפולציה כללה האצת קצב בקריאה.
בסיכום הממצאים נמצא כי קצב עיבוד המידע בילדים בעלי קשיי קשב ריכוז וליקויי קריאה היו איטיים בכל המדדים לעומת ילדים ליקויי קריאה.קצב עיבוד המידע בילדים ליקויי קריאה היה איטי במיוחד במטלת שליפה ושיום מהיר.
במהלך המניפולציה שיפרו הילדים בעלי קשיי קשב וריכוז וליקויי קריאה את ההבנה בתהליך ההאצה בצורה מובהקת לעומת שאר הילדים.
Speed of processing in reading is often viewed as a factor of efficiency
in reading.This research will examine the function and contribution of
speed of processing of the reading efficiency in a group of dislectic
readers compared to a group of Impulsive-Hyperactive readers.
The theoretical basis of this work is the " Processing Distribute
Parallel Model" (Seidenberg & McCleland,1989). The PDP model describes
the processing of reading as an integration between three processors:the
phonological processor,the semantic processor and the visual-
orthographic processor.The quality of reading depends on the quality and
speed of processing in every processor and the integration between all
the processors.
The basic assumption of the research that is being tested in this work
is that dyslectic readers' speed of processing will be found slow and
the impulsive-hyperactive readers speed of processing will be found
fast. No matter how the speed of processing will be, both groups will be
less accurate in processing of decoding, reading comprehension and
cognitive processes.
In the present study 80 children participated, who were divided into 2
test groups- 20 children in each group. One test group was of dyslectic
readers and the other was of impulsive-hyperactive readers.The two other
control groups, 20 children in each, were of good readers. Both
dyslectic and impulsive-hyperactive groups were fitted to other 2
control groups -one is similar to the chronological age point of view
and the other group is similar to the reading age point of view. These
groups will be called so on compared age group and compared reading
age.The number of the girls was equal to the number of the boys in each
group so that the results are referred to as "the subjects". The
children in the four groups, participating in the research, were
compared to their backround parameters as intelligence,reading
parameters and parameters that are relevant to the reading
process:sustained attention and capacity of attention,visuo-motor
capacity,phonological and orthographic abilities and speed of processing
as naming speed ability,phonological, orthographic and the precise
timing of the speed of processing. After examining the basic processing
procedures- A special procedure was deviced in order to determine the
reading speed of processing of all the subjects participating in the
research. In the special procedure three conditions of reading were
tested:Self reading paced reading,fast paced condition and slow- pace
condition. The fast-and the slow-paced reading conditions were
calculated for each subject separately according to the reading time of
his or her first self-paced condition. The influence of the changed
reading -pace was tested according the assumptions, that is, the
changing of the reading- pace will influence in a different way on the
reading process of the dyslectic subjects and impulsive- hyperactive
subjects.The fast-pace will improve the accuracy of reading in the
dyslectic subjects and the slow-pace will improve the accuracy of the
impulsive-hyperactive subjects as a response to relevant factors in the
reading process. The analysing of the results of the research show that
the first assumption was supported : The dyslectic subjects were found
slow and less accurate in their reading and cognitive processing
compared to the control groups in most of the processing procedures. The
second assumption was partly supported- The impulsive- hyperactive
subjects were found slow and less accurate in their processing speed in
reading and cognitive processes compared to the control groups in most
of the processing procedures. The results show that the third assumption
was also supported. It was found that there was a difference in the
speed of processing between the dyslectic and the impulsive -hyperactive
subjects: The dyslectic subjects were found faster and more accurate in
most of reading and cognitive processes compared to the impulsive-
hyperactive subjects. The main important results were that the dyslectic
subjects speed of processing in naming and phonological processes was
slow compared to all the subjects in the research . The impulsive
hyperactive subjects' speed of processing was found slow and they were
less accurate in most of the cognitive and reading processes compared to
the control groups and the dyslectic group.The comparison between the
two test groups shows that there is a distinctive difference between the
two test groups. The dyslectic subjects had a specific disability in
decoding ability(i.e phonological) ,word vocabulary and naming
processes, and the impulsive- hyperactive had general disabilities both
in reading and cognitive processes. The results of this research sustain
Stanovitch's(1988) claim that the dyslectics' disabilities are specific
to the phonological core. The results of the reading and cognitive
processing sustain Fodor's(1984) claim that impulsive-hyperactive
subjects have general cognitive disabilities. This research also reveals
the orthographic advantage in the dyslectic subjects.This advantage is
important because they have phonological disabilities and were different
from their age control in word vocabulary .Word vocabulary is known in
literature as a pre-requisite for reading and predicts the ability of
reading (Vernon,1970).0n the other hand, Siegel(1984)claims that because
of the fact that the dislecctic readers have difficulties to read, their
word vocabulary will be poor.Even though the results of the word
vocabulary were poor I didn't find evidence of a statistical corelation
between reading parameters and word vocabulary. The results show that
Siegel's claim was proved in this research. The assumption that
accelerating the reading pace of the dyslectic subjects will improve the
accurate comprehension which was sustained. The assumption that slowing
down the reading pace of the impulsive -hyperactive subjects will
improve the accurate comprehension was not sustained. The results of
the research reveal that accelerating the pace of reading improves
accurate reading comprehension in all the subjects that participated in
the research. Furthermore, the beneficient subsjects in the accelerating
pace of reading were the impulsive -hyperactive subjects.They have been
found more accurate in comprehension than the other groups that had
participated in the research. These results replicate and support
Breznitz's (1987a,1987b, 1988,1990,1991,1993) investigations, that is,
the quality of reading improves when the reading pace is accelerated in
normal readers and disabled readers. The reason that the impulsive
-hyperactive subjects improved their comprehension statistically proved
in post-hoc tests,was that in the usual pace reading rate the
attentional system disturbes the processing system.In the fast-pace
reading there is a balance between the attentional system and the PDP
processing system (Moser,1988). The balance between the two systems
makes the processing possible of bigger chunks and creating places to
the capacity of attention to use the central word processor to process
comprehension (McCleland,1985,1986).Neurobiological connections arise
the system by increasing and decreasing the processors in a manner of
using the available processors. The fast- pace reading is found to be an
improving factor of the attentional system: capacity ,working memory,
distractibility and the cognitive resources it can use.The fast-pace
procedure helped the dyslectic and impulsive-hyperactive readers to
overcome limitations in reading, such as decoding skills (Snowling
,1980:Gough and Tunmer,1985), verbal working memory and the ability to
concentrate and to avoid distractibility(Siegel,1988). The promising
results obtained in this research can explain cognitive and reading
processes in both readers' groups :Dyslectic and impulsive
-hyperactive.The main difference between the groups was shown in
decoding skills,naming speed and attention measures, especially in
attention capacity(working memory).In the fast-pace reading the
beneficial effect of the reading speed acceleration,was shown in the
impulsive-hyperactive group ,this suggests that the tendency for
subjects who have lower cognitive abilities(i.e. attention capacity
span, sustained attention, low verbal ability,low visuo-motor ability
and slow speed of processing )to benefit more from the experimental
manipulation. This research approves the usefulness of accelarating the
reading rate on comprehension of dyslectic and especially the
comprehension of the impulsive -hyperactive.