יריד פסיכולוגיה עברית

Patchwork - children, trauma and therapy / Miriam Grossman-Harel

מחיר: 85.00 ₪

לחצו להזמנה

המוכר: מכללון - סמינר הקיבוצים
טלפון: 03-6990354, 052-6866377 (מכללון)
דמי טיפול ומשלוח: 23 ₪ (לכל כמות של מוצרים בהזמנה)
אופן משלוח: באמצעות צ'יטה לנקודת מסירה או עד הבית בתוספת תשלום
זמן אספקה: עד 14 ימי עסקים
Patchwork - children, trauma and therapy / Miriam Grossman-Harel

Patchwork - children, trauma and therapy / Miriam Grossman-Harel

מבוא- פרופ' מולי להד

Miriam Harel's book is a pioneer exploration of the creation of resilience in infants, children, and their families living in modern israel. The chapters move well from children's adaptation to kibbutz life, to the more traumatic accommodations to war and the intifada.In each instance harel offers insights, therapeutic object lessons for clinicians,caregivers and interveners. The book is an exceptional reading experience.

Arnold Sameroff,ph.d., director of program in development and mental health and professor of psychlogy,university of michingan,us 

In"Patchwork", Miriam Grossman Harel permits us to see the trauma children suffer living in a world with the constant sense of danger, the threat of violence, and violence witnessed.Through her caring and highly expert therapeutic work, many children have gradually come to renew their confidence in the adult world to protect and in their own capacity  to cope.

Harriet Lutzky ph.d. adjunct professor of psychology john jay college city university of  new york.

Patchwork - children, trauma and therapy / Miriam Grossman-Harel
מחיר: 85.00 ₪

לחצו להזמנה

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